AbsClust is an AI tool designed to deal with the often overwhelming amount of scientific publications. It uses machine learning and visualisation algorithms to create a ‘map of research’, displaying articles as points on a graph, with semantically similar articles clustered together. This approach allows researchers to analyse thousands of articles at a glance, significantly improving productivity and research quality.

AbsClust’s functionalities are tailored to the specific challenges of scientific literature research. Overcoming the limitations of traditional search engines, which often focus on a limited number of top results, AbsClust uses algorithms to cluster and categorise literature based on keywords, topics and various parameters, significantly reducing the time and effort required to conduct thorough literature reviews.
The tool’s ability to efficiently map relevant literature makes it a valuable tool for conducting literature reviews, identifying research gaps and staying up-to-date with the latest scientific advances. It is particularly useful for new researchers entering a field, as well as for more experienced researchers wishing to explore interdisciplinary connections or quickly map the landscape of unfamiliar research areas.
The tool is free and available after creating an account.
Personal observation: Although it is slower than other tools in the sector, it does allow data from another search engine to be visualised (currently WoS and Scopus are supported).
Let’s give it a try: https://absclust.com/